This week's Aminet uploads on 13-Jun-2016

aminet at aminet at
Mon Jun 13 09:04:13 CEST 2016

| Recent uploads to Aminet on 13-Jun-2016
| This week's uploads, sorted by dir
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|File                          Dir        Size Description
|----------------------------- ---------- ---- -----------------------------------------
AfricaMOS.lha                  game/board 326K Conversion of 3W board game              
GoatTracker-morphos.lha        mus/edit   1.2M Official tracker-like C64 music editor   
Africa-OS4.lha                 game/board 326K Conversion of 3W board game              
Africa.lha                     game/board 281K Conversion of 3W board game              
Gringos.adz                    game/shoot 131K Old style High Noon type duel            
opus-tools-0.19_a68k.lha       mus/edit   329K Opus Audio Tools                         
opus-tools-0.19_aros.lha       mus/edit   436K Opus Audio Tools                         
HiFi.lha                       mus/misc     1K Hifi low pass filter on and off          
TryItCruncher101docs.lha       util/pack   10K TryIt Cruncher v1.01 with docs & relokit 
AHex.lha                       util/shell   4K Very simple Int2Hex and Hex2Int.         
APeek.lha                      util/shell   5K Peek value(s) from given memory address  
APoke.lha                      util/shell   5K Poke value to a given memory address.    
Void-ApplejackPack1.adf        demo/disk  880K "Applejack Pack #1" by Void              
PD-Uebersicht.txt              docs/lists  19K List of Amiga PD series, Feb 93 (German) 
GPS2URL.lha                    gfx/conv    58K Convert JPEG GPS data to maps URL/XML    
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha              misc/emu   4.3M Signetics-based machines emulator        
file-mos.lha                   util/gnu   1.2M Determine file type                      
AmiArcadia.lha                 misc/emu   4.0M Signetics-based machines emulator        
AmiArcadia_OS4.lha             misc/emu   4.3M Signetics-based machines emulator        

Message of the day:

E-Mail is working again, you can reach us at aminet at

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