This week's Aminet uploads on 04-Sep-2006

aminet at aminet at
Mon Sep 4 05:03:32 CEST 2006

| Recent uploads to Aminet on 04-Sep-2006
| This week's uploads, sorted by dir
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|File                          Dir        Size Description
|----------------------------- ---------- ---- -----------------------------------------
Requiem.lha                    demo/aga   8.1M 'Requiem' by TBL                         
bits500.lha                    demo/ecs     6K 'Merry Christmas 2005' by Bits           
par-pr31.lha                   demo/ecs    35K 'Premium is 31' by Paradise              
rno-armp.lha                   demo/ecs    58K 'Armpit' by RNO                          
3stars.lha                     demo/intro 1.2M '3stars' by Ed Sinistar                  
apt-swap.lha                   demo/intro  90K 'Swaptro 2006' by Apathy                           demo/intro  30K 'Little Star' by Drifters                          demo/intro   5K 'Gin Tronic' by Ephidrena and Scarab     
LNS-PL.lha                     demo/intro   9K 'Planet Lonies' a 4k by Loonies          
mds-mikr.lha                   demo/intro  63K 'Mikrobi' by Moods Plateau               
voidsare.lha                   demo/intro  19K 'Voids are Back in Town' by Voids        
VS3_AMI.lha                    demo/mag   222K 'Versus #3' a chartmag by Nukleus        
AWY-STC.lha                    demo/misc  278K 'Save the Compo' by ArtWay               
AmigaBASIC-Info.lha            dev/basic    6K AmigaBASIC on an A600(HD)/A1200(HD).     
PcCardDevBas.lha               dev/basic   11K Using PcCard library from HBasic         
ecx_upd.lha                    dev/e      127K E Compiler ECX. Update to 1.5.2          
bloboats-1.0.1-2-mos.lha       game/race  7.5M Kikstart clone: Rescue a ship in distress
righteous_aos4.lha             game/think 2.5M A Lumines (PSP) clone! A nice puzzler!   
AmiArcadia.lha                 misc/emu   180K Emerson Arcadia 2001 emulator                      pix/anim    48M UP ROUGH 'Mekka Symposium 2001 report'   
ispell-arexx.lha               text/misc  3.2M Spelling checker with ARexx port         
DM_con_LL.lha                  util/dir    10K DiskMaster config and associated scripts 
MathLibsUAE.lha                util/libs   44K IEEE-libs best for WinUAE +src +bonus r10
WRip_28.lha                    util/misc   46K rips various pack-formats from Disk/File 
AW06invF.lha                   demo/aga   601K 'ArtWay2006 invitation - Final' by ArtWay
eph_bp06.lha                   demo/aga   8.2M 'Lux aetherna lucia eis' by Ephidrena    
fettkrem.lha                   demo/aga    11M 'Fettkrem' by Spaceballs                 
fit-ster.lha                   demo/aga   2.4M 'Stercus Accidit' by FIT                 
irs-kfix.lha                   demo/aga   7.5M 'Kilofix' by Iris                        
sedna.lha                      demo/aga   363K 'Sedna' by Venom                         
SnZ_BCMN.lha                   demo/aga    59K 'Brightly Colored Male Niple'            
tlu-tdsc.lha                   demo/aga   1.4M 'Tour de Scene' by Tulou                 
trk-fd.lha                     demo/aga   1.8M 'Funk Def' by Traktor                    
wish.lha                       demo/aga   1.2M 'Wish we Were in Italy'                  
LP-SUPER.lha                   demo/ecs   496K 'Superstudio' by La Paz                  
rno-frtc.lha                   demo/ecs   403K 'Fruitcake' by RNO                       
rno-spac.lha                   demo/ecs    91K 'Spacekitten' by RNO                     
rnobzm06.lha                   demo/ecs   303K 'Boozembly 2006 invitation' by RNO       
elc-samh.lha                   demo/intro 215K 'Samhall' by Elcrew                      
lpstop.lha                     demo/intro   4K 'LPStop' by Mayhem                       
rno-mi06.lha                   demo/intro 393K 'Motorola Inside 06 Invitation' by RNO   
SFL-Q_PA.lha                   demo/intro  62K 'Q' by Software Failure                  
SQZ_LOAD.lha                   demo/intro  80K 'Happy Birthday Psychotic Loady'         
VOID-Saxonia3.lha              demo/mag   228K Diskmag                                  
jml-spit.lha                   demo/misc  3.9M 'Spit' by Jumalauta                      
out3_fin.lha                   demo/misc  1.3M Out of Style III-Storm Studios/The Sands 
S-KPill2.lha                   demo/misc  925K 'Karate Pills 2' by ChitZ0phReNiC        
ster_mos.lha                   demo/misc  2.3M 'Stercus Accidit' by Fit                 
klx-cbdr.lha                   demo/slide 190K 'Cyber Dreams' by Klaxx                  
mi06-mus.lha                   mods/misc  2.4M All mods from Motorola Inside compo      
mi06-gfx.lha                   pix/misc   283K All graphics from Motorola Inside 2006   
MiamiDX_booster.lha            comm/net     1K MiamiDX transfer speed-up boost!         
mds-utl.lha                    demo/intro 103K 'Uphold the Law' by Moods Plateau        
UP-SHFGT.lha                   demo/intro 456K UP ROUGH "Shadow Fighter", a dentro      
UPvsRNO.lha                    demo/intro  57K UP ROUGH vs RNO "Tyson" a 64k intro      
JP16.lha                       demo/mag   4.0M Jurassic Pack #16                        
Void-Saxonia4.lha              demo/mag   313K 'Saxonia #4' by Void                     
236.lha                        demo/misc  5.4M 236 a MorphOS demo by Team Power Amiga   
fpc-2.0.4.powerpc-mos.lha      dev/lang    13M Free Pascal Compiler - MorphOS port      
tileworld_aos4.lha             game/think 1.2M A clone/remake of Chips Challenge        
pdf417.lha                     gfx/misc   813K pdf417 conversion tool (68k)             
UP-1E1E1.lha                   mods/uprgh  38K UP ROUGH '1e-' (MOD) by Ronny            
UP-4TWCS.lha                   mods/uprgh 276K UP ROUGH '4 those who can see' (MOD)     
UP-4xMOD.lha                   mods/uprgh  89K UP ROUGH 'mod.mod.mod.mod' by Skope      
UP-ANDAY.lha                   mods/uprgh 216K UP ROUGH 'Another Day' (MOD) by Skope    
UP-ANONA.lha                   mods/uprgh   9K UP ROUGH 'NoName' (AHX) by Skope         
UP-B0REK.lha                   mods/uprgh  15K UP ROUGH 'B0REK' by Goto80               
UP-BBEAT.lha                   mods/uprgh  81K UP ROUGH 'The B-Beat' (MOD) by Qwan      
UP-BLL3M.lha                   mods/uprgh  14K UP ROUGH 'Bell3-mix' by Goto80           
UP-BLOOD.lha                   mods/uprgh 6.5M UP ROUGH "Blood Out" (OGG) by Dipswitch. 
UP-BNDMA.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'That End Tune' (AHX) by Slam   
UP-BOARR.lha                   mods/uprgh 172K UP ROUGH 'Boarrrr' (MOD) by Skope                   mods/uprgh 105M UP ROUGH "Bunker 2005 Live Session" (MP3)
UP-BROCK.lha                   mods/uprgh 421K UP ROUGH "Up Rough Body Rock" by Dipswitc
UP-BTW2W.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Beatwin 2 Waters' (AHX) by Slam
UP-BUBLG.lha                   mods/uprgh 133K UP ROUGH 'Bubblegum!' (MOD) by Ronny     
UP-CCORG.lha                   mods/uprgh  16K UP ROUGH 'ccc-organizer' by Skope        
UP-CHRMX.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Children Remix' (AHX) by Slam  
UP-CIRCB.lha                   mods/uprgh   8K UP ROUGH 'Circuit Board Trippin' (MOD)   
UP-CNP04.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Chinip 04' (AHX) by Ini        
UP-CNP09.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Chinip 09' (AHX) by Ini        
UP-CNP23.lha                   mods/uprgh   3K UP ROUGH 'Chinip 23' (AHX) by Ini        
UP-CUPER.lha                   mods/uprgh 401K UP ROUGH 'Cup Eater' (MOD)               
UP-CUTEL.lha                   mods/uprgh  21K UP ROUGH 'Cute Loop' (MOD) by Spot       
UP-DFCFL.lha                   mods/uprgh 235K UP ROUGH 'Def Chaos Filter' (MOD)        
UP-DLTRX.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Delta Remix' (AHX) by Slam     
UP-DREAM.lha                   mods/uprgh 328K UP ROUGH 'I Have a Dream' (MOD) by Skope 
UP-DRUNK.lha                   mods/uprgh 141K UP ROUGH 'Drunk 15 min ST-01 compo'      
UP-EEEEE.lha                   mods/uprgh   6K UP ROUGH 'E' by Goto80                   
UP-EPINT.lha                   mods/uprgh  10K UP ROUGH 'EP-Intro' (MOD) by Qwan        
UP-EXPLF.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Exploding Fist' (AHX) by Skope 
UP-FIFA2.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Final Fantasy 2' (AHX) by Skope
UP-FISKM.lha                   mods/uprgh 328K UP ROUGH 'Fiskmat - Elus Edit' by Elusive
UP-FLBLU.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Fly Blue' (AHX) by Miao        
UP-FMOUS.lha                   mods/uprgh 106K UP ROUGH 'Famous Thang!' (MOD) by Ronny  
UP-FRSLY.lha                   mods/uprgh 445K UP ROUGH 'Freshly 2k' (MOD) by Skope     
UP-FTRLR.lha                   mods/uprgh  26K UP ROUGH 'Futureloader' (MOD)            
UP-GBGET.lha                   mods/uprgh   9K UP ROUGH 'GBG EndTune' (MOD) by Goto80   
UP-GDNGT.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Rendez Vous' (AHX) by Skope    
UP-GEDDA.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'GeDDa Intro' (AHX) by Miao     
UP-GRAP2.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Grap2' by Goto80               
UP-GSTRG.lha                   mods/uprgh 236K UP ROUGH 'Grew Stronger' (MOD) by Skope  
UP-HKONG.lha                   mods/uprgh   3K UP ROUGH 'Hong Kong Warez' by Skope      
UP-HRNKR.lha                   mods/uprgh  52K UP ROUGH 'Hairnuker' (MOD) by Qwan       
UP-INTAB.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Intro(ab)duction' (MOD) by Qwan
UP-IWARP.lha                   mods/uprgh 358K UP ROUGH 'In Warp' (MOD) by Qwan         
UP-JCDUB.lha                   mods/uprgh 250K UP ROUGH 'Jah Cometh in Dub' (MOD)       
UP-JNPHA.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Jennipha' (AHX) by M. Twang    
UP-JTJTJ.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'JT' (AHX) by Slam              
UP-KUKHU.lha                   mods/uprgh  22K UP ROUGH 'Kukhuset' (MOD) by Skope       
UP-LAIDB.lha                   mods/uprgh  20K UP ROUGH 'Laidbakkness' (MOD)            
UP-LATNO.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Latino' (AHX) by Skope         
UP-LKTRO.lha                   mods/uprgh  54K UP ROUGH 'The Elektro Ride' (MOD) by Qwan
UP-LQCST.lha                   mods/uprgh 161K UP ROUGH 'Liquid Constant' (MOD) by Skope
UP-LVDAY.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Lovedaddy Ykkonen' (AHX)       
UP-LWNTS.lha                   mods/uprgh 362K UP ROUGH 'Lower Intentions' (MOD)        
UP-MADAL.lha                   mods/uprgh  14K UP ROUGH 'Mad Alzheimer Loop' (MOD)      
UP-MAINS.lha                   mods/uprgh 240K UP ROUGH 'Main Street' (MOD)             
UP-MEOEM.lha                   mods/uprgh  82K UP ROUGH 'Meo Em Meo' (MOD) by Qwan      
UP-MIAOC.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Miao's Coming' (AHX) by Miao   
UP-MNTRX.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Monty Hiscore Remix' (AHX)     
UP-MONKM.lha                   mods/uprgh   6K UP ROUGH 'Monkeyman' by Goto80           
UP-MOONM.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Moonmaster' (AHX) by M. Twang  
UP-MTINY.lha                   mods/uprgh  13K UP ROUGH 'Tiny Beats' (MOD) by Skope     
UP-MTPTB.lha                   mods/uprgh 216K UP ROUGH 'MT Plays the Blues' (MOD)      
UP-MUS1C.lha                   mods/uprgh 293K UP ROUGH '1 Music' (MOD)                 
UP-NESMS.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Nes Mes' by Goto80             
UP-NIGHT.lha                   mods/uprgh 267K UP ROUGH 'Uppa Nights' (MOD) by Qwan     
UP-NONME.lha                   mods/uprgh   8K UP ROUGH 'NoName' by Qwan                
UP-OCKER.lha                   mods/uprgh 104K UP ROUGH 'Ockero Underground' (MOD)      
UP-OVERM.lha                   mods/uprgh  34K UP ROUGH 'Overmode' (MOD) by Qwan        
UP-PAPPB.lha                   mods/uprgh  12K UP ROUGH 'Pappersbalong' by Goto80       
UP-PLYME.lha                   mods/uprgh 343K UP ROUGH 'Play With Me' (MOD) by Qwan    
UP-POTOS.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Banished From Potos' (AHX)     
UP-PUNCH.lha                   mods/uprgh  11K UP ROUGH 'Punchout' by Goto80            
UP-RBLRS.lha                   mods/uprgh  36K UP ROUGH 'Rebel Raster' (MOD) by Qwan    
UP-REACT.lha                   mods/uprgh  13K UP ROUGH 'Reactor' (MOD) by Qwan         
UP-RLXPL.lha                   mods/uprgh 152K UP ROUGH 'Relaxing Pulse' (MOD) by Qwan  
UP-RNDVS.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Rendez Vous' (AHX) by Skope    
UP-SAJOE.lha                   mods/uprgh 550K UP ROUGH 'Saturday at Joe's' (MOD)       
UP-SHEND.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Shock End Theme Remix' (AHX)   
UP-SHRTL.lha                   mods/uprgh   3K UP ROUGH 'Short Loader' by Skope         
UP-SMKNG.lha                   mods/uprgh 110K UP ROUGH 'Smoking' (MOD)                 
UP-SMOON.lha                   mods/uprgh  71K UP ROUGH 'Smokin' Moon' (MOD)            
UP-SNNME.lha                   mods/uprgh   6K UP ROUGH 'No Name' (Sonic Arranger)      
UP-SOFTR.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Soft Room' (AHX) by Qwan       
UP-SPOIL.lha                   mods/uprgh   4K UP ROUGH 'Spoil' by Goto80               
UP-SSAEL.lha                   mods/uprgh  10K UP ROUGH 'Supersael (TM)' by Elusive     
UP-SSHIT.lha                   mods/uprgh 338K UP ROUGH 'Smooth as my Shit' (MOD)       
UP-SUBOF.lha                   mods/uprgh  45K UP ROUGH 'Subma Goes Offworld' (MOD)     
UP-SUMRL.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Summerluvin' [+++]' (AHX)      
UP-SWEED.lha                   mods/uprgh 178K UP ROUGH 'S-Weed&d-fortees' (MOD)        
UP-SYRLT.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Synthetic Reality' (AHX)       
UP-TBAND.lha                   mods/uprgh 381K UP ROUGH 'The Band Playing' (MOD)        
UP-TDISC.lha                   mods/uprgh  94K UP ROUGH 'The Discomaniac!' (MOD)        
UP-TENKO.lha                   mods/uprgh  10K UP ROUGH 'Tenk Om' by Goto80             
UP-TETHI.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Tetris Hiscore' (AHX)          
UP-THAET.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'That End Tune' (AHX) by Skope  
UP-THHIT.lha                   mods/uprgh   6K UP ROUGH 'The Hit' by Goto80             
UP-THING.lha                   mods/uprgh 310K UP ROUGH 'Things I do Everyday' (MOD)    
UP-TIMES.lha                   mods/uprgh 224K UP ROUGH 'Time's Up' (MOD)               
UP-TMTAT.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Tomatoes Attack' (AHX) by Slam 
UP-TN500.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'Tiny 500' (AHX) by Miao        
UP-TOMON.lha                   mods/uprgh  19K UP ROUGH 'Tonique Monique' (MOD) by Qwan 
UP-TRNON.lha                   mods/uprgh 360K UP ROUGH 'Turn on Your Love' (MOD)       
UP-TUMBL.lha                   mods/uprgh 288K UP ROUGH 'Tumble Beat' (MOD) by Qwan     
UP-TWANG.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Twangies From Heaven' (AHX)    
UP-VERSI.lha                   mods/uprgh  20K UP ROUGH 'The Versificator' (MOD) by Qwan
UP-WCDUB.lha                   mods/uprgh 206K UP ROUGH 'Worldclass Dub' (MOD) by Skope 
UP-WELC2.lha                   mods/uprgh  21K UP ROUGH 'Welcome 002' (MOD)             
UP-WELC3.lha                   mods/uprgh   3K UP ROUGH 'Welcome 003' (MOD) by Skope    
UP-YUYAZ.lha                   mods/uprgh  79K UP ROUGH 'Yumyazz' (MOD) by Qwan         
UP-ZER0G.lha                   mods/uprgh  17K UP ROUGH 'Zer0 Gr0und' (MOD) by Qwan     
UP-ZYRIX.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Zyriax' (AHX) by Slam          
UP-FDRAG.lha                   pix/illu   113K UP ROUGH "Forest Dragon" by Prowler      
UP-PIGNS.lha                   pix/misc   648K UP ROUGH "Pigeons" by Prowler,           
acopro.lha                     util/misc    7K 68881 fpu emulator (source)              
cpuwatcher.lha                 util/wb     18K Measures CPU, free mem and net traffic   
UP-AHIGH.lha                   mods/uprgh   2K UP ROUGH 'A Higher X' (AHX) by Varthall  
UP-AMNDA.lha                   mods/uprgh   1K UP ROUGH 'Amanda' (AHX) by Mortimer Twang
UP-AUTOM.lha                   mods/uprgh 809K UP ROUGH 'Automatic Gear' (DBM) by Kuu   
A71Mail.lha                    comm/www    19K Email Form multilanguage written in php  
IBrowseSP.lha                  comm/www    17K IBrowse 2.x spanish catalogs v2.3.1g     
AmigaFuture62.lha              docs/mags  790K Great german paper mag preview           
cyberstorm.lha                 gfx/misc   410K New skin for Morph OS                    
Sv5Fix180.lha                  gfx/misc   184K *Fix* for SView5 V1.80 (30.8.2006)       
devedie_skin_neko.lha          gfx/show    49K Skin for Devedie powered by Neko         
bsnii-songplayer.lha           mus/play    44K Songplayer skin: Blue Space Ninja buttons
trima-songplayer.lha           mus/play     9K Songplayer buttons matching Trima's skin 
AmilordMos01.png               pix/back   295K Mos Wallpaper A01                        
basSkin.lha                    pix/theme   89K [MorphOS] basSkin                        
bluechrome.lha                 pix/theme  336K [MorphOS] Another Skin                   
bsn-ii.lha                     pix/theme  114K [MorphOS] Blue Space Ninja II Skin       
IceMOS.lha                     pix/theme   10K MorphOS skin                             
imaz.lha                       pix/theme  115K MorphOS Skin                             
nostalgia.lha                  pix/theme  387K [MorphOS] AOS 1.x Skin                   
nunexus.lha                    pix/theme   19K MorphOS skin                             
sky.lha                        pix/theme  154K [MorphOS] A skin for Ambient             
snowskin1.0.lha                pix/theme  250K MorphOS Skin                             
spacestation.lha               pix/theme  755K [MorphOS] A skin for Ambient             
trimas_skin.lha                pix/theme  662K Skin for MorphOS                         
akPNG-dt.lha                   util/dtype 208K akPNG-dt V45.50 (PNG, 68000-060/MOS)     
WarpPNGdt.lha                  util/dtype 211K PNG image datatype (68k,OS4,MOS,WOS)     
curl.lha                       comm/net   1.0M Command line url file transfer           
DeathTrialPATCH01.lha          demo/aga    57K DeathTrial FixPatch 0.1                  
va_tfwd.lha                    demo/aga   3.4M "The Field Where I died" by Venus Art    
dose2_morphos.lha              demo/euro  5.1M "dose 2: valetta" by mfx                 
fit-chrysler.lha               demo/euro  1.0M "Chrysler" by Fit & Bandwagon, MOS port  
mwi-ndf.lha                    demo/euro  6.1M "New Dawn Fades" by MWI (MOS-Fix)        
mwi-till.lha                   demo/euro  7.2M "Till I Feel You" by MWI (MorphOS-fixed) 
stercus_accidit.lha            demo/euro  2.4M Stercus Accidit - a gothic demo          
yellow_rose_morphos.lha        demo/file  100K "Yellow Rose of Texas" by Fit & Bandwagon
aros_hd_install_eng.pdf        docs/help  1.0M Aros HD Installation Manual [English]    
SView5.lha                     gfx/misc   2.4M SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package  
siem_aos4.lha                  misc/emu   319K A Space Invaders Arcade Emulator         
tuneaac-plug.lha               mus/play    56K AAC m4a plugin for TuneNet (Plays IPod fi
AmiDiction.lha                 comm/tcp    38K Online Dictionary                        
Fireflies.lha                  demo/misc  120K FireFlies (MorphOS TinyGL example)       
alecos.txt                     docs/anno    1K Alecos's Home Page has been moved to...  
GLGlobe.lha                    misc/edu   2.4M GLGlobe                                  
ANR_modplayer.lha              mus/play   117K AmiNetRadio MOD Player                   
ANR_mpcplayer.lha              mus/play    33K AmiNetRadio Musepack MPCPlayer           
NewAge-Icons.lha               pix/gicon  9.0M Realistic, shaded OS3.5/3.9-Icons        
aros-demos-icons.lha           pix/picon  158K Aros-Demos Icons                         
metalslugicon.lha              pix/picon   20K A cool Metal Slug icon for MAME (MorphOS)
mixed.lha                      pix/picon  244K Some Ambient icons                       
guideml.lha                    text/hyper 146K AmigaGuide -> HTML converter with GUI    
AmberRAM.lha                   util/sys    59K Replacement RAM disk                     

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