This week's Aminet uploads on 18-Dec-2006

aminet at aminet at
Mon Dec 18 05:04:28 CET 2006

| Recent uploads to Aminet on 18-Dec-2006
| This week's uploads, sorted by dir
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|File                          Dir        Size Description
|----------------------------- ---------- ---- -----------------------------------------
SpiderMonkey-js-os4-bin.lha    dev/lang   337K Mozilla JavaScript interpreter for CLI   
SpiderMonkey-js-os4-src.lha    dev/lang   1.2M Mozilla JavaScript interpreter - src     
stackmon13.lha                 dev/moni    11K Monitors stack use of running tasks      
ThorThunderbird.lha            docs/help    2K Export Mails from Thor to Thunderbird    
BME.lha                        game/edit  252K Map Editor for Benefactor                
SimpleCDPlayer.lha             mus/play   198K A simple CD Player for AmigaOS           
AMF-FairiesIcons.lha           pix/picon   92K PNG-Icons for PowerIcons patch           
pdf2pic.lha                    text/dtp   1.3M an alternative way of viewing PDF's      
runlist.lha                    util/cdity  12K Commodity to lauch commonly used programs
akLJPG-dt.lha                  util/dtype  70K akLJPG-dt V45.56 (LJPG, 68000-060)       
svg_dt.lha                     util/dtype 1.0M Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) datatype  
SayToy.lha                     util/misc   18K Speech Text Translator and Narrator      
stercus_accidit_morphos.lha    demo/euro  2.3M Stercus Accidit - a gothic demo          
td64patch.lha                  disk/misc    6K Patch NSD64 (OS4) devices to support TD64
AmiScrobbler-0.0.2a_MOS.lha    mus/play   223K Build a profile of your musical taste    
AOS3.x_Skin.lha                pix/theme   30K A skin for MorphOS                       
Alphassist.lha                 text/misc  102K Text transfer utility for the AlphaSmart 
bla-handler_os4.lha            util/cli    14K Simulates output of a command as a file  
MorphVNC.lha                   comm/tcp    47K VNC client for MorphOS. ZLib support     
bbssalvage.lha                 comm/thor   10K Recover broken database BBS/conferences  
classact33.lha                 dev/gui    224K Advanced GUI toolkit                     
AutoBackUp.lha                 disk/bakup   4K Backup/clean (mirror imaging) using BackU
SView-Info.lha                 gfx/misc     1K SView Version Information & Overview     
winarosstart.exe               misc/emu   2.0M Comfortable Windows<->AROS file transfer 
arosamp_alpha_0.11b.tar.gz     mods/mpg   140K AROSAmp                                  
ON-THE-FLY.lha                 mus/midi   371K Real Time Music Composition Prog         
shellplayer_os4.lha            mus/play     7K CLI based mod player using ptplay.library
tunenet_dt.lha                 mus/play    24K Datatypes plug-in for TuneNet            
ctags_os4.lha                  text/misc  456K Generate tag files of source code        
source-highlight_os4.lha       text/misc  964K Source code to syntax-highlighted html   
abinary_dt_os4.lha             util/dtype  28K OS4 port of AROS binary.datatype         
binary_dt_os4.lha              util/dtype  38K Another binary.datatype                  
ptplaylib_os4.lha              util/libs   49K Shared lib to play/decode protracker mods
mldonkey-2.8.1-morphos.lha     comm/tcp   5.4M p2p client, MorphOS port                 
monolith.lha                   gfx/3d     1.5M 3D-CPU Benchmark                         
SVGTools-1.2.2-bin.lha         gfx/misc   2.2M Tools to convert SVG to PDF/PS/PNG       
SVGTools-1.2.2-src.lha         gfx/misc   939K Tools to convert SVG to PDF/PS/PNG (src) 
bootcreator-1.1.lha            hard/misc   18K Create boot menus for Pegasos            
bootmenu.tar.gz                hard/misc    3K Bootmenu for Pegasos, written in Forth   
BochsGUI.lha                   misc/emu    53K MUI GUI for Bochs                        
e-uae-0.8.29-WIP3_mos.lha      misc/emu   2.8M Amiga emulator                           
hugo.lha                       misc/emu   215K PC-Engine/TurboGrafX-16 emulator         
qdlha.lha                      util/arc     4K Quick N Dirty lha extraction             
coldrebootpatch_1.3.lha        util/boot   26K Patch ColdReboot() of MorphOS            
Altabber-MOS.lha               util/cdity  44K Windoze-like Alt-Tab                     
unmask.lha                     util/cdity  19K hide/show all windows with one keypress  
zapper_0.10.lha                util/cdity  20K Change the behaviour of the zoom-button. 
Help.lha                       util/cli   121K Inline help for all MorphOS shell command
cksfv-1.3.lha                  util/misc   22K Check SFV: Create + verify SFV files     
keymorpher_1.1.lha             util/misc   80K MUI KeyMap editor for MorphOS            
MUIFind056B.lha                util/misc   60K Search tool with MUI GUI                        util/misc   38K Makes changing your MorphOS skins easier 
amigod2mos.lha                 util/moni  230K AmiGOD2 Reloaded (MorphOS native)        
bonnie.lha                     util/moni    7K I/O benchmark program (Unix port)        
Meltium.lha                    util/moni   63K Small graphical CPU usage meter          
ClockToy.lha                   util/time   38K MorphOS' first graphical clock           
transpoclock.lha               util/time  244K Transparent digital clock                
CopyIcon_MOS_0.9.lha           util/wb     48K Icon copier (MorphOS only)               
freakbar-morphos.lha           util/wb      5K Toolbar                                  
iconificator.lha               util/wb     18K Icon serial copier                       
MDS_Indexer_transac.lha        util/wb    2.9M MorphOS Desktop Search                   
MorphTray.lha                  util/wb    217K Small windows like Tray app for MorphOS  
StarAm_Plan.lha                biz/misc   860K Spreadsheet, 68000 CPU                   
StarAm_Plan881.lha             biz/misc   855K Spreadsheet, needs FPU                   
ArisDoors4MAXs.lha             comm/bbs   698K MAX's BBS doors, utils + API's (+source) 
Goportscan-de.lha              comm/net    23K German locale for GoPortscan             
OpenURL_Swe.lha                comm/www     2K Swedish translation for OpenURL v7.2             demo/track 701K Hental Mangover Demo                                   demo/track 1.6M Hunt for red kret demo                                demo/track 824K HumanViolation                                       demo/track 736K LameHQ                                   
huc_mos.lha                    dev/cross  506K PC Engine/Turbografx compiler/assembler  
tcl_8.4.7_morphos.tgz          dev/lang   1.9M Tcl, the Tool Command Language           
spatch.lha                     dev/misc     9K Clone of SAS Binary File Patcher w/src   
Gifan-de.lha                   dev/mui     18K German locale for MCC_GifAnim            
muibuilder-morphos.lha         dev/mui    692K MUI Interface builder                    
MUIPlusPlus-morphos.lha        dev/mui    131K C++ wrapper classes for MUI              
cdcatpch.lha                   disk/cdrom  10K CDCat 3 patch for MorphOS                
cdirip-0.6.3.lha               disk/cdrom  19K Extract all tracks from a CDI image      
CDSpeedKiller.lha              disk/cdrom  14K Slow down your CD/DVD drive              
ripper_2.51.lha                disk/cdrom 490K Rip AudioCD to Ogg Vorbis, MP3 or raw PCM
idestandby10.lha               disk/misc    5K Spin down motor of IDE HDs.              
SFSdefragcomfy.lha             disk/misc    5K Arexx: check/defrag SFS (1.x) drives     
WBonPeg-d.lha                  docs/help  3.6M Tips,icons+skins for AmiWBonPeg (German) 
wabl9401.lha                   docs/lists  27K Worldwide Amiga BBS List - Jan '94       
wabl9406.lha                   docs/lists  31K Worldwide Amiga BBS List - Jun '94       
wabl9409.lha                   docs/lists  34K Worldwide Amiga BBS List - Sep '94       
wabl9412.lha                   docs/lists  36K Worldwide Amiga BBS List - Dec '94       
4p.lha                         gfx/edit   499K Simple paint program and DPaint clone    
mengui.lha                     gfx/edit    30K Early gui for mencoder                   
alphatools.lha                 gfx/misc   648K Collection of gfx converters and scripts 
gallerius.lha                  gfx/misc   126K A simple HTML gallery generator          
Gallerius_DE.lha               gfx/misc    13K German locale for Gallerius              
devedie.lha                    gfx/show   271K MUI GUI for MPlayer (MorphOS)            
ldview0.8-mos.lha              gfx/show    31K ldraw model viewer                       
mDVD.lha                       gfx/show     9K GUI for DVD playback using MPlayer       
minishowpic.lha                gfx/show   285K Simple picture viewer                    
ShowGirls-0.8.5.lha            gfx/show   451K Image showing/processing utility for Morp
tdmplayergui.lha               gfx/show    51K GUI interface for MorphOS port of mplayer
templates.lha                  gfx/show   382K Templates for use with ShowGirls         
btr_8x8.lha                    hard/drivr  55K Capture video using a PCI bt8x8 card     
eaudio.device.lha              hard/drivr  23K Enhanced audio.device solution for MOS   
Combo2.lha                     hard/misc  183K Software for Combo2/Combo3 Eprommer      
playac3.lha                    hard/misc  1.4M Pegasos 2: Test S/PDIF out with mc audio 
setup3dsnd.lha                 hard/misc   12K Enable SigmaTel 9766 3d sound capability 
amipce_asm_01.lha              misc/emu    38K PC-Engine Emulator Beta (Sources)        
amisnese-0.13b-bin.lha         misc/emu    33K Snes Emulator 0.13b                      
amisnese-0.13b-src.lha         misc/emu    91K Snes Emulator (Source) 0.13b             
fceu-0.98.10_mos.lha           misc/emu   920K NES, Famicom emulator                    
FPSE_GUI.lha                   misc/emu    49K Preferences GUI for  FPSE                
LjngMOS.lha                    misc/emu   554K NES/SNES emulator                        
mame-0.104.lha                 misc/emu    21M Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator         
NofrendoMOS.lha                misc/emu   159K NES emulator                             
pcengine_01.lha                misc/emu    18K AmiPC-Engine (PC-Engine emulator)        
snes9x.lha                     misc/emu   778K SNES emulator                            
ASense.lha                     misc/sci   1.0M v4.0a Professional astrology software    
10_loituma.lha                 mods/misc  780K Loituma - Levan Polka for Amiga          
AmySequencer.lha               mus/edit   310K MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA             
normalize_0.7.6_mos.lha        mus/edit   803K Adjust volume of Sound Files             
SchismTracker_018a_mos.lha     mus/edit   330K Schism Tracker, clone of Impulse Tracker 
shorten_3.6.0_mos.lha          mus/edit    77K Fast audio compressor                    
mp3gain.lha                    mus/misc    71K Free automatic mp3 volume normalizer     
proplayer.lha                  mus/play   223K AHI Protracker player (MOS)              
CygnusEd_5_SP.lha              text/edit   20K Spanish catalogs for CygnusEd Pro 5.3    
JanoEditor_MOS.lha             text/edit  343K Simple and efficient text editor v1.01   
TurboText20.lha                text/edit  528K TurboText                                
antiword.lha                   text/misc  550K Convert Word documents to TXT/PDF/PS     
AntiWordGUI.lha                text/misc   94K MUI GUI for Antiword                     
livemixer-1.4b.lha             util/cdity  95K Mixer for SBLive! sound card             
vcdgear176-040415_mos.lha      util/conv  524K convert/extract/repair MPEG video + VCD  
VorbisFile_Library.lha         util/libs  228K vorbisfile.library v3                    
file-3.20-morphos.lha          util/misc   57K Determine a file's type (Unix port)      
LG1915S.lha                    util/moni    0K Modedit config: Monitor LG model L1915S  
XMasBench_0.3.lha              util/wb     82K XMasBench  - The ultimate ChristmasBench!
subversion-1.4.2-mos.lha       dev/misc    30M Revision control system, like RCS/CVS    
MCC_BWin-de.lha                dev/mui     18K German locale for MCC_Bwin               
MCC_Calendar-de.lha            dev/mui     18K German locale for MCC_Calendar           
MCC_MiniMailer-de.lha          dev/mui     18K German locale for MCC_MiniMailer         
MCC_TheBar-de.lha              dev/mui     20K German locale for MCC_TheBar             
MCC_Urltext-de.lha             dev/mui     18K German locale for MCC_URLtext            
MUISpeedbar-de.lha             dev/mui     19K German locale for MUISpeedbar            
playOGG.lha                    mus/play   1.2M multi format sound player.               
akSVG-dt.lha                   util/dtype  70K akSVG-dt V45.56 (SVG, 68000-060)         
FussballBundesliga.lha         biz/misc    13K TurboCalc Spreadsheet Football (german)  
WallGet-de.lha                 comm/misc   54K German locale for WallGet                
Bourriquet_0.2.9.5.lha         comm/net   726K Client software for the eDonkey Protocol 
p2c.i386-aros.tar.gz           dev/misc   813K Pascal to C converter                    
Lambda_0.8.101.lha             game/demo  320K Lambda 3D space combat demo              
SView5.lha                     gfx/misc   2.4M SView5 Image Viewing/Processing Package  

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